School sucked today,suffered from monday blues,and totally felt like skipping school.
Me and ben were discussing our lives and we came to the conclusion that it sucks being in Jc and we'd be better off in poly.
Got screwed big time by my geography teacher,yes again,and i swear she picks on me and dominic.
I'm screwing up practically everything,just passed my econs test,just flunked physics again,and i think the best part is GP.Got 33 outta 50 for my essay,yayness!At least there's a tiny glimmer of hope in all this mess.
Funniest part i guess,was hilmi acting smart,dear hilmi went to the snack stall and decided to buy something using mandarin.Well he pointed to something and proceeded to say what he thought was "i want this" in mandarin.It sorta turned out to be,"Wo yao ni!" (I want you),made the aunties burst out in laughter,probably thought he was picking her up or something.=x
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